1956 Speedster with authentic headlights, hood handle, horn grills, and tail lights. Produced on the E-Z-GO RXV featuring a Lithium Battery pack that is warranted through E-Z-GO for 5 Years. Buy with confidence from the largest dealer in the country. Worldwide shipping available or stop by our 26,000 sq. ft. Showroom in beautiful Palm Springs, California.
Available with or without the roof, lead acid batteries, lithium battery pack, or gasoline models painted in your favorite colors. We only manufacture on New E-Z-GO RXV Chassis the carry a 3-year limited factory warranty. Caddyshack Golf Cars72680 Dinah Shore DrivePalm Desert, CA 9phone-9691www.caddyshack1.com Limited Warranty Terms and Conditions - E-Z-GO Non-Fleet VehiclesTextron Specialized Vehicles Inc. (“Company”) provides that any new Model Year 2018 E-Z-GO / Cushman non-fleet electric vehicle equipped with a lithium battery pack (the “Vehicle”) and/or the battery charger for the Vehicle’s lithium battery pack purchased from Company, a Company affiliate, or an authorized Company dealer or distributor, or leased from a leasing company approved by Company, shall be free from defects in material or workmanship under normal use and service (the “Limited Warranty”). This Limited Warranty with respect only to parts and labor is extended to the Original Retail Purchaser or the Original Retail Lessee (“Purchaser”) for defects reported to Company no later than the following warranty periods for the Vehicle parts and components set forth below (the “Warranty Period”):VehicleWarranty PeriodFREEDOM RXV OR FREEDOM TXT ELECTRIC VEHICLEFRAME - WORKMANSHIPLifetimeLITHIUM BATTERY PACK AND BATTERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM – TXT FREEDOM ELECTRIC MODELS5 yearsLITHIUM BATTERY PACK AND BATTERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM – RXV FREEDOM ELECTRIC MODELS5 yearsALL OTHER PARTS AND COMPONENTS3 yearsINITIAL ADJUSTMENTS – Initial alignment, adjustments, fastener tightening90 daysThe Warranty Period for all parts and components of the Vehicle other than Lithium Batteries shall commence on the date of delivery to the Purchaser’s location or the date on which the Vehicle is placed in Purchaser-requested storage.
The Warranty Period for Lithium Batteries shall commence on the earliest of the following dates:(a) of Vehicle delivery to the Purchaser’s location,(b) on which the Vehicle is placed in Purchaser- requested storage or(c) that is sixty (60) days from the date of sale or lease of the Vehicle by the Company to an authorized Company dealer or distributor.Parts repaired or replaced under this Limited Warranty are warranted for the remainder of the length of the original Warranty Period. This Limited Warranty applies only to the Purchaser and not to any subsequent purchaser or lessee without the prior written approval from the Director of the Company’s Customer Care / Warranty Department.EXCLUSIONS: Specifically EXCLUDED from this Limited Warranty are:• routine maintenance items, normal wear and tear, cosmetic deterioration or electrical components damaged as a result of fluctuations in electric current;• damage to or deterioration of a Vehicle, part or battery charger resulting from neglect, abuse, accident, collision, or inadequate maintenance;• damage resulting from installation or use of parts or accessories not approved by Company, including but not limited to subsequent failures of the Vehicle, other parts or the battery charger due to the installation and/or use of parts and accessories not approved by Company;• warranty repairs performed by someone other than a Company branch or an authorized and qualified Dealer designee. Warranty repairs performed by someone other than a Company branch or an authorized and qualified Dealer or designee shall void the Limited Warranty;• damage or loss resulting from acts of nature, vandalism, theft, war or other events over which Company has no control;• any and all expenses incurred in transporting the Vehicle to and from the Company or an authorized and qualified Dealer, distributor or designee for warranty service or in performing field warranty service; and• any and all expenses, fees or duties incurred relative to inbound freight, importation, or customs.THIS LIMITED WARRANTY MAY BE VOIDED OR LIMITED AT THE SOLE DISCRETION OF COMPANY IF THE VEHICLE AND/OR BATTERY CHARGER:• shows indications that routine maintenance was not performed in accordance with the Owner’s Manual provided with the Vehicle, including but not limited to proper tire inflation, lack of charging, loose battery hold downs, corroded battery cables and loose battery terminals;• shows indications that non-recommended lubricants were applied to the Vehicle and any part thereof;• shows indications that the speed governor was adjusted or modified to permit the Vehicle to operate beyond Company specifications;• shows indications that it has been altered or modified in any way from Company specifications, including but not limited to alterations to the speed braking system, electrical system, passenger capacity or seating;• has been altered to be used or operated outside of Company approved applications, specified environments or performance conditions;• is equipped with tires not expressly approved by Company for use with the Vehicle;• lacks an adequate number of operating battery chargers, or uses unapproved battery chargers for the Vehicle, or uses extension cords with battery chargers;• has electrical accessories that are not manufactured or sold by the Company for use with the Vehicle or any electrical energy consuming devices installed directly to the battery pack;• shows indications that the battery pack was disassembled, opened, or tampered with in any way;• shows indications that attempts may have been made to intentionally reduce the battery pack life;• contain lithium battery packs that are not paired with the battery management system as supplied by the Company.Storage and Operation limitations ConditionTime AllowedSTORAGE BETWEEN CHARGE CYCLES3 monthsSTORAGE BETWEEN -22°F (-30°C) AND -4°F (-20°C) STORAGE ONLY – NO CHARGING OR DISCHARGING OF BATTERY PACK1 monthOPERATION OF VEHICLE BELOW -4°F (-20°C) OR ABOVE 140°F (60°C)NOT ALLOWED
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